Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Facial Oils: The Benefits & Why You Should Be Using Them

Facial Oils have been a non-stop trend that came out last year, and most of us jumped on the bandwagon. The biggest misconception that we have all believed is that oil is going to clog our pores. And really who wants that? Because clogged pores lead to, well breakouts. But alas, facial oils aren't just like regular greasy oils. Dry skin, aging, and even.. oily breakout-prone skin can all benefit from facial oils. The oil provides balance to whichever skin concern you may have.

Oil combats oil. One of the reasons that people with oily skin breakout so much is because of the skins overproduction of oils. By using a facial oil, it is combating your natural oil to eliminate this overproduction. Leaving you with soft, glowing skin. And who doesn't want that?

Now dry skin people (such as myself) just love facial oils. I find that a simple moisturizer does not do the same trick as the oil does. I put on oil at night, and by the morning its all soaked up, leaving my skin soft, plump and not begging for hydration.

Aging skin will benefit a lot as well from facial oils. Since our skin typically dries out as you age, the oil is going to help bring the moisture back. This can help fight against the signs of aging, such as wrinkles, dark spots, and overall luminosity of the skin, which is another aspect that we lose with age.

What is a facial oil though?

There are so many different types of facial oils on the market now, from drugstore to high end. From my experience you will be getting better quality ingredients with the higher end products. Facial, or beauty oils, can be branded to target certain areas, but essentially they are all going to be doing somewhat of the same job.

Facial oils are a blend of different botanical oils, that are high in antioxidants, without artificial scents, and provides calming aromatherapy.

These oils have a smaller molecular weight, letting them penetrate our skin easier and faster than regular moisturizers. Since they penetrate so fast and easily, they do not leave our face feeling greasy (though I suggest using oils at night, rather than before makeup since the oil can break down the makeup.)

Remember: When applying facial oils you always want to start with a clean cleansed face. After that pump about two drops of the oil onto you finger tips, rub them together, then slowly and gently press the oil into your skin, avoiding your eye area. This lets the product penetrate your skin easier because of the warmth of your fingers. As well this is pushing it into your skin, rather than just swiping it on the top layer.

My Favourite

I cannot fall asleep at night if I have not put this product on. In the morning my skin feels so refreshed, soft and supple. My makeup application goes on much easier and I noticeably see a difference in my dry areas and overall complexion. The sent of this oil is extremely calming and not over-whelming. As I said before, I would suggest oils as a nighttime routine, especially with this one. For the first half hour you have it on, you're going to be a bit greasy. But by the time you wake it is all completely absorbed.

What are your favourite beauty/facial oils?

Love, Love


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