Wednesday, April 16, 2014

5 Things You Should Not Forget To Do!

Hello all my lovelies,

So I was thinking today, about how easy it is to get caught up in life, and forget some of the beauty faux pas that we all happen to forget on a day to day basis. But really, who has time to clean this and do that properally. We all love shortcuts, and though it may not be laziness, trying to finish a paper for school, or a project for work seems a bit more important than say cleaning your eyelash curler. Am I right or what? So I had a look around and thought about all the beauty mishaps that I have caught myself, or others doing and compiled this little reminding compilation.

So I know that we are all guilty of doing this makeup mishaps, but here are some that we really should not forget!

1) Cleaning your eyelash curler - ever look down at that curler and see all that black gunk/crusty mess that is happening on it? Just remember, that goes on your EYE. Ew. How gross is that now that you have that mental image in your head. The gunk on that tool can be anything from mascara, eyeliner, or eye oils. Whaat? you say, eye oils? but of course! all those eye creams that we use to make sure the wrinkles don't come to get us can cause buildup on the eyelash curler. So cleaning that bad boy makes a lot more sense to do now! I usually warm it up slightly with a hair dryer, and then take a tissue and wipe it clean. You can also use baby wipes or something thats more sterile (hot soapy water) to kill all that nasty bacteria.

2) Wearing extensions everyday - we all love the look of long Rapunzel like hair, but extensions can be potentially damaging to our hair. The pulling of the clips can lead to hair loss depending on how heavy the hair is and how thin your natural hair is. Sometimes people even get headaches from them! Embrace the natural hair that you were given ladies and work to make that healthy and long instead!

3) Washing your makeup brushes - we all know this, yet still forget to regularly wash our makeup brushes. one word people - bacteria.

4) Cleaning out your makeup drawer - nobody wants to be a makeup hoarder, and contrary to some peoples beliefs, makeup does have an expiration date. So put down the two year old eyeliner and step away. Old makeup can potentially lead to skin irritations or breakouts. Or in the case of eye products, a very itchy irritated eye.

5) Washing off your makeup at night - we are all so guilty of doing this sometimes. Its late, you have a early morning, and honestly the last thing you want to do is take that whole 5 minutes to wash your face. I have encountered many friends who refuse to wash their face at night, and make this mistake on the nightly. Lets be reminded of what happens when you keep your makeup on at night: oil buildup on the skin, acne breakouts (all that gunk sinking into your pores), dry flakes, uneven skin tone, and in the worse case - premature wrinkles. Not to mention your pillow starts looking like its been fighting with your mascara tube. So go my friends, go and cleanse thy face!

Well thats it!

What are some beauty mishaps that you can think of?
Comment below!

Love, Love


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